B2B Writers International

What Are AI Prompts and How to Write Good B2B Copy Ones

3 minute read

Some AI tools have built-in templates and categories you can use to generate content. For example, Rytr gives you use cases to choose from, like blog post ideas and outline, blog section, CTA (call-to-action), landing pages, web copy, and copywriting frameworks such as AIDA (Attention — Interest — Desire — Action).

Other tools, like ChatGPT and Jasper, are open to anything, so you must know how to talk to those tools properly to get what you want.

And that means writing good system prompts.

System prompts separate the instructions from the messages you tell it for more precise control of the responses.

Here are a few tips to help you write effective, useful prompts that save time and effort when using generative AI.

But first…

Why Do You Need Good AI Prompts?

An effective AI prompt bridges the gap between what you mean, what answer (or output) you’re looking for, and AI comprehension. Simply put, the prompt frames your ideas in a way the AI understands, giving you better results.

Two main qualities of strong AI prompts

To get the most out of an AI prompt, it must be “rich” and “specific.” That means giving the AI tool as much context as possible with as much direction as possible.

To be “rich”:

  • Don’t ask it to “write a landing page for an e-commerce product.”
  • Ask it to “write a high-performing, casual, and enthusiastic landing page aimed at customers in the fitness industry looking for the best at-home workout products.”

To be “specific”:

  • Don’t ask it to “write a blog post on AI in marketing.”
  • Ask it to “write a 750-word blog post highlighting the top 5 advances of AI in marketing for a general business audience.”

When both elements are in sync, you’re asking AI to produce the exact content you need using its AI models.

5 Ways to Craft Good AI Prompts

Here’s how to ensure your AI prompts are rich and specific.

1. Be specific and direct

We’ve already covered this, but it bears repeating. Be clear, concise, and direct with your prompt.

2. Give context

It’s good to add as much context to your request as possible. You want to help the AI model narrow its answer as easily and efficiently as possible, which you do with context.

So, if you have specific conditions or constraints it should consider in the answer, include them upfront.

3. Describe the AI’s role in detail

The best prompts include the AI’s role in the question. It’s another level of context that helps the AI tool frame its response. So try things like, “You’re a copywriter looking to…” or “You’re a chef looking for new ways to…” in your next prompt.

4. Indicate your desired output format

If you want the output in a specific format (list, paragraph, outline with bullet points, etc.), include that detail in the prompt.

5. Avoid overloading the prompt

The final tip is to keep the prompt manageable with only relevant information. Keep your prompt on-topic and as narrowly focused as you can. If you need clarification, you can always ask follow-up questions.  

Bonus tip: the perfect AI prompt formula

Here’s a simple formula you can use to create a good prompt for any generative AI tool:

Act like + write a + define an objective + define your ideal format

Using this formula, an effective prompt could be: Act like a content marketing expert who is writing copy for a pool company’s landing page that increases newsletter subscriptions.

Example Prompts

Here are a few more examples for you.

  1. You are a freelance content writer who needs help responding to customer emails. Please generate 3 business email responses in US English that are friendly, casual, and still professional. The email should be no longer than 5 sentences or 25 words long.
  2. You are a content marketer looking to improve your blog post headlines. Generate 5 example headlines based on the following text: [paste in your text here].
  3. Can you summarize the following white paper, highlighting the key points and conclusions? [Paste in the URL of the paper or the text itself.]
  4. You are a social media manager. Help me generate catchy social media posts for our brand’s newest product based on the following product names: A, B, and C.
  5. You are an expert customer support rep for a tech company. Generate thoughtful replies to customer inquiries about our product’s features based on this product page: [paste URL here].

The next time you use an AI tool like ChatGPT or Jasper, remember these AI prompt tips. You’ll get better results and enjoy using an AI tool in your work.