B2B Writers International

Use Nostalgia Marketing in Your Freelance Business to Get Clients

4 minute read

In the first article in our Current Trends series, I suggested you try using AI tools like ChatGPT to rev up your copywriting business. 


In this article, we’ll discuss what exactly nostalgic marketing is, why it’s relevant, how you benefit, and how to easily incorporate it into your business.

What’s this thing called nostalgia marketing?

Nostalgia is an emotional longing or affection for the past. By incorporating this powerful emotion, nostalgia, into your marketing, you tap into a customer’s positive emotional connection to the past.

Now, take that one step further. Smart copywriters and marketers link these warm and fuzzy feelings associated with something from another era with an updated product or service… or to a new product or service.

For example, let’s say I’m a freelance copywriter for tech companies. I want to connect something in the past to my new business. Playing with my last name, I could create a funny social media ad with a picture of Gidget on the left on a rotary phone (captioned as Sally Field) and me on the right on a new iPhone (captioned as Barbara Field). I might title it something like: “Is your copywriter up-to-date?” (Or “Does your copywriter know the newest ways to generate sales?”)


Why is conjuring good memories of the past relevant now to B2B writers?

Since the onset of COVID, there’s been a fresh wave of nostalgia marketing and companies are creating new products based on the old. And no wonder.

People long for the reassurance of the past, especially during rocky times. That’s why our media consumption reflects that.

Nostalgia marketing

From https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/an-overview-of-nostalgia-marketing-and-its-benefits-infographic/640537/

B2B writers can take advantage of this reminiscing trend to influence buyer emotions, which we already know greatly influences those B2B purchases.

Just look to the world of toys and entertainment. Thinking back to when you played with Nintendo or your favorite toy automatically elicits happy and joyful feelings. Characters like Sonic the Hedgehog and Barbie seem reassuring when times are rough. That’s why Hollywood has taken notice of the nostalgia trend by creating big films about these characters recently.


How do you benefit from riding this trend?

Will this increase your revenue and really drive customers to use your services? Yes. And yes.

Customers spend money when they’re feeling nostalgic.

You’re ultimately seeking revenue. And studies have proven people are more likely to spend money when they feel nostalgic. They seem to value money less and the connectedness aspect more. So, if evoking good memories promotes purchasing, I don’t know about you, but count me in to elicit good memories for my customers and prospects.

Customers trust you when they’re feeling nostalgic.

An older brand or legacy brand like Kodak has a long history, which consumers view as consistent and reliable. Invoking that sense of history through design, memories, photos, or products from the past can help you bring on a nostalgic feeling, which is attractive to your audience.

Remember that millennials and Gen Z especially embrace authenticity. So, just make sure what you do is organic and aligns with your mission. You want to sound genuine in your copy and videos. Because if you’re authentic and seem reliable, you enhance trust. That in turn increases conversions.

Customers like what’s familiar.

Customers actually view your marketing and ads more favorably and there is evidence of increased brand attention when you capitalize on times gone by. Though TikTok might be the rage, do you notice how people are buying disposable cameras and old-fashioned typewriters nowadays with their hard-earned dollars?

Customers especially like what’s familiar in uncertain times. When you’re anxious or stressed, you probably don’t reach for what’s edgy. You want to escape the news and current events. Many of us find comfort in those old TV reruns of Friends, those movies from the 70s, or from songs like Paul McCartney’s “Yesterday.”

Two ways you can use nostalgia marketing in your marketing right now…

Okay. You’re sold, but how can you use this type of marketing without spending an arm and leg? Whether you’re a newbie beginning to freelance your copywriting or a seasoned copywriter wanting to take your business to the next level, here are some ideas:

Create content evoking past days that make people feel good.

If your content can help people reminisce about happy times, they feel good by extension. If they already feel good, they’re more likely to feel good about your copywriting business.

You want to grow a loyal following of people who refer your business and post in social channels about you. So, as a winning strategy, develop content that brings a smile to their faces, that they find warm and inviting.

Use throw-back moments in social media.

Whether you call it Throw Back Thursday or Turn Back Time, TBT is alive and well on social media. Often done on Thursdays (sometimes on Flashback Fridays), find a picture of an old item like a vintage sewing machine, antique car, or set of 60s-style hair rollers. Or post a photo of yourself with a funny haircut or weird fashion from another era.

Your goal is to bring those who interact with your business a sense of comfort, trust, and fun.

I think I know how I’ll incorporate nostalgic marketing into my marketing. I can change the About page on my website. I’ll begin with “I’ve been a writer since I was nine” and add a photo of dorky me with my 1963 Patty Duke flip-style hairdo and headband writing at my desk!