B2B Writers International

All Articles by John Mullen

Reality Blog: Backing Up Your Business

Reality Blog: Backing Up Your Business

When John Mullen’s computer froze, he realized he’d failed to have a backup plan. Find out what he did to protect himself in the future.

Reality Blog: New is Not Always Better

Reality Blog: New is Not Always Better

Are you spending so much time chasing “what’s new” that you’re missing the copywriting gems that have been around for decades?

Reality Blog: 3 Reasons to Quit

Reality Blog: 3 Reasons to Quit

When do you say it’s time to quit and when do you press on? John Mullen looks at 3 questions to ask so you know what to do.

Reality Blog: Facebook Disaster!

Reality Blog: Facebook Disaster!

John Mullen learned a painful lesson on Facebook Ads. Find out what happened and what he wishes he had done to avoid the disaster.