B2B Writers International

All Articles by Jen Phillips April

Landed Your First Client? Now What?

Landed Your First Client? Now What?

When you start working with a new client, or even your first client, you want to come across as organized and competent. Here’s how to set client expectations and showcase your professionalism.

Should You Offer Productized Services or Packages?

Know When and How to Offer Productized Services or Packages

As a business professional, you never want your clients to treat you like a fast-food restaurant, ordering a “meal deal” from you. BUT, if you package some services this way, you can increase your revenue and cut your work time.

Lock in Your Income with Recurring Writing Work

Lock in Your Income with Recurring B2B Writing Work

You have recurring monthly bills… so it helps to have recurring monthly income. And you can have that, while keeping your freelance freedom, when you lock in recurring B2B writing work. Here’s how.

4 Ways to Make a Business Case for B2B Freelancers

4 Ways to Make a Business Case for B2B Freelancers

Just like you make the case to prospects for why your client’s product or service is their best choice, you can make the case to your prospects that you, the freelancer, are their best choice.