B2B Writers International

Take Action: How to Get Started

3 minute read

Take Action: How to Get Started as a B2B CopywriterYou’ve probably heard a lot of business advice that recommends, “Do it,” “Take action,” and “Implement.” Then the guilt trip: “Or you can just sit in the corner and do nothing. Go nowhere. Stay stuck where you are.”

It can be overwhelming. It can even make you want to run and hide in the corner, or just give up. How exactly do you get started as a B2B copywriter when you’re not sure what to do?

The reality is, we don’t know everything. That’s why we take the time to learn and grow. But we can’t study forever — we have to get started if we’re going to be successful.
Where Do I Start?
The first step is to look within, because it’s really about your goals, your desires, and the business you want to start or take to the next level.

Then, begin to set up a basic “first step” action plan. If you’re just starting out, your outline might look like this:

  1. Create a marketing plan.
  2. Build a website.
  3. Talk with friends who may have helpful business contacts.

Something as simple as this is a perfect first step. It identifies actions you can take that will give you momentum. You’re now in the game.
What’s Next?
Once your basic outline is set, it’s time to follow your plan. If you stumble along the way, it’s not the end. Get back up, dust yourself off, and get back to it. As long as you are still at it, you are making progress.
Your business is progressing, so remember, you don’t have to climb the mountain in one day. Take on each part of the process as it comes, and you’ll be fine.

Let me give you an example. In the past, I had used LinkedIn to create contacts and get writing work. I’d made a contact in a niche I was curious about, but didn’t have any direct experience in.

I was able to get the attention of the business owner, but since this was out of my “main arena” I was at a loss as to how to proceed. I felt I was losing ground fast with this possible lead.
So then I went back to square one and made a new action plan. I focused on what I knew about marketing, and how it applied to my prospect’s business. It worked, and I was able to move forward.

You can do the same thing. Things may get tough, but stay on track and you’ll find your own success.
Don’t Forget Your Plan
Developing your business is much like climbing a mountain. Your marketing plan becomes your map, helping you on the climb to success. As you continue your journey to success, take time to look at your plan and ask:
Are you on track with your plan?
Did you get off track?
What do you need to do to get back on track?

If you did get sidetracked, one simple way to get back on track, and in an extremely fast way, is to go back to the previous step. Make any necessary adjustments, and move forward from there.

Again, don’t worry if you took a wrong turn somewhere along the journey. Getting off track happens. Just go back to the last point on your plan, and get back to moving in the direction of your goal.

Next Stop: Success!

Now that you have your plan, you can “take action” without stress and worry. You might even find that it’s fun to build a new business.

If you hit a bump, don’t quit.

Just follow the steps in this article and you’ll be on your path to success.

