B2B Writers International

Define B2B Writing Success on Your Terms — and Thrive

4 minute read

We often measure success by the standards set by others — more money, fame, or power.

But what if we define success for ourselves?

This idea comes from Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy’s book The Gap and The Gain. Based on their ideas, we’ll explore how you can determine your own ideas and measurements around success.

So, let’s get started and find out what success really means for each of us.

The Traditional Measures of Success

Society often measures success in terms of money, fame, and power, but these benchmarks don’t necessarily align with everyone’s aspirations.

Money — The dream of making six or seven-figures a year is common, yet what if your version of success is earning enough to live comfortably without the stress of chasing a higher income?

Fame — While some people strive for widespread recognition, others find fulfillment in quieter achievements. You might feel successful knowing your work is impactful, even if it doesn’t come with public acknowledgment.

Power — Power doesn’t always mean being at the top of the corporate ladder. You may feel it’s more about having the autonomy to set your own schedule, work from anywhere, or choose the projects you’re passionate about.

The key here is understanding that success is personal and varied.

It’s okay to be driven by financial goals, just as it’s fine to find satisfaction in less tangible achievements.

What matters most is how you define success for yourself.

How do you decide what success looks like for you? Here are two exercises from The Gap and The Gain that will help.

Exercise 1: Evaluating Your Reference Points

First, take a moment to think about how you currently measure success.

  1. Identify your current reference points.
  • What are the benchmarks or standards you currently use to measure your success?
  • Think about the goals or targets you strive to hit as a B2B copywriter. Are they related to income, client feedback, the number of projects completed, or something else?
  1. Understand your choices.
  • Why did you choose these particular reference points?
  • Reflect on the reasons behind your current measures of success. Are they influenced by societal standards, personal aspirations, peer comparisons, or a mix of these?
  1. Redefine success.
  • How do you define success for yourself beyond these existing measures?
  • Consider what makes you feel genuinely successful and fulfilled. Is it creative freedom, client relationships, work-life balance, or the impact of your words?

The goal here is not to judge your current metrics for success but to understand why you’re using them and explore if they truly resonate with your current values and aspirations. If what you’re currently doing isn’t working, you can make changes.

Exercise 2: Envisioning Your Success

This second exercise is a way to shift your perspective from external to internal measures of success, so you discover what truly matters to you.

You want to identify the conditions, achievements, and feelings that signify success in your eyes.

Envisioning Exercise:

  • Take a moment to find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted for 20-30 minutes. This exercise requires some uninterrupted thought and reflection.
  • For this activity, you may use a notebook, a digital document, or any medium you find comfortable for jotting down your thoughts.
  • Start with the prompt: “I know I’m being successful when…” and let your thoughts flow. Don’t worry about grammar or coherence; focus on being honest and thorough.

Things to consider:

  • Think about the moments in your work as a B2B copywriter when you felt most fulfilled and satisfied. What were you doing? What outcomes were you achieving?
  • Consider the balance between your professional and personal life. What does success look like in terms of this balance?
  • Reflect on your aspirations, both short-term and long-term. What achievements would make you feel like you’ve succeeded in these areas?

By the end of this exercise, you should have a clearer picture of what success means to you personally. It’s a unique definition that won’t look like anyone else’s. It will guide your career and personal decisions, reminding you to work towards goals that genuinely fulfill you.

Implementing Your Success Criteria

Having defined what success means to you, the next step is putting these criteria into practice.

1. Translate your success criteria into actionable goals.

Start by breaking down your broad success criteria into specific, actionable goals. If one of your criteria is work-life balance, set clear boundaries for work hours or allot time for personal activities.

Then, set priorities. Determine which aspects of your success criteria are most important to you right now. Then you can focus your efforts where they matter most.

2. Regularly track your progress.

Keep track of your progress towards these goals. Regular reflection can help you stay on course so you can make adjustments as needed.

Recognize and celebrate when you achieve milestones related to your success criteria, no matter how small. Celebrations reinforce positive behavior and keep you motivated.

3. Don’t be afraid to adjust your criteria.

Your definition of success might change as you grow in your career and personal life. Stay open to these changes and adjust your criteria accordingly.

Consider doing an annual review of your success criteria. Reflect on what’s changed, what’s stayed the same, and how your goals need to evolve.

4. Integrate your success measures into your work.

Keep your success criteria in mind as you approach your daily tasks. Your criteria will help you align your work with your personal values.

Use your success criteria to guide your professional decisions, from choosing clients to taking on new projects.

5. Seek support and accountability.

Consider sharing your success criteria with a mentor, colleague, or accountability partner. Their input can provide you with support and valuable feedback.

Or engage in professional development aligned with your success criteria. Look into attending workshops, networking, or pursuing further education.

It’s Time to Take Action

Now, it’s time to take action.

Block out time on your calendar for this work. Whether it’s an hour next Tuesday morning or a few minutes each day for the next week, commit to this process.

Use this time to reflect on your success criteria, try the exercises listed above, and implement these insights into your daily routine.

Define success for yourself and find it on your terms.