Go from “How to” to “How I” LinkedIn posts [5 hook templates]

4 minute read

I get it. Writing a how-to post isn’t comfortable for you. “How-to” posts may give you the vibe of a guru perched atop a hill doling out guidance to the disciples. You may not align with that energy — no matter how much experience you have in your industry.

Instead, “How I” posts are friendly, humble, and inviting of feedback. Instead of saying, “Here’s how you should do this,” you say, “Here’s how I do this.” There’s space for a conversation in a “How-I” post. This content positions you as a practicing professional instead of an enlightening, all-knowing expert.

There are various kinds of “How I” posts you can create. You’ll find ideas in here, so sit with a pen and a paper to grab the ones that inspire you.

5 Ways to Create “How I” LinkedIn Posts

1. Show Your Client Service Processes

Creating “How I” content to lay down your process is an excellent way to attract interested prospects and build a community of peers in your industry. These posts make it easier for prospects to make a buying decision. Your peers can learn from your process and improve the way they deliver a similar service. These “How I” posts show how easy, quick, detailed, or in-depth your service process is.

How I create non-boring blog posts for my technology clients

Step 1:

Step 2:

And so on…

Other hooks to use this format include:

How I use storytelling to integrate case studies into blog posts

How I deliver LinkedIn profile optimization service to technology clients

How I find and include the right keywords in my content pieces

Anything you do to deliver a service to clients is a process you can share with your community on LinkedIn.

2. Show Your Struggle, Strategy, and Success

Share something you’ve struggled with. Then, share the strategy you used to overcome it.

Here are the hooks you can use:

How I went from posting nothing to posting every day on LinkedIn

How I went from zero clients to a full roster this year

How I ended the dry spell and earned $3,000 this month

After a strong “How I” hook, answer these questions in your post:

  • Where did you start?
  • Why were you stuck in that space, and what led you to act?
  • What changes did you make to your mindset?
  • What strategies did you implement?
  • What does success/progress look like today?

This content type generously gives your followers a roadmap to follow and beat the same struggles you did.

3. Show Your Client Results

Results-oriented “How I” posts hook interested prospects by demonstrating how you achieved desired outcomes for your past clients. Here’s how to use them:

How I increased my client’s LinkedIn engagement rate by 500%

How I ranked my client’s content at the top of Google’s search results

How I helped my client repurpose their content for a quarter

You can follow up the hook with the following elements:

  • Amplify the problem (why was your client struggling?)
  • Show where you started (what was step one?)
  • Lay down your exact process (this is critical; don’t leave them hanging!)

There’s a promise in your hook to share with the reader how you achieved a certain result for your clients. Don’t bail on them without showing them step-by-step how you made that magic happen.

This flavor of “How I” content assures prospects you know what you’re doing and can bring them the same results.

4. Show Your Evolution

We evolve in many ways, most prominently in the areas of business, personal life, and mindset. “How I” posts can be used to show your evolution and create resonant content that inspires others.

Some ways you can use this format are:

How I got over my fear of money

How I stepped out of my comfort zone and finally went after big clients

How I detached my self-worth from my revenue

After a strong hook that engages readers, provide value by:

  • Highlighting the “before”
  • Showing the process of evolution step-by-step
  • Assuring the reader they can do it too

Think of everything we’re collectively trying to improve in our lives. Sharing honestly and openly with your network builds trust. Consider all the ways you’ve evolved in your business, personal life, and mindset. What did you believe before — and how did you act — that you no longer do?

5. Show Your Behind-the-Scenes

Freelancers are hungry to learn how other freelancers run their businesses. There’s an element of mystery as we don’t walk into an office and witness other freelance writers doing their thing. So, create content to quell this curiosity. Here are a few hooks you can use for this style of posts:

How I manage my finances as a freelance writer

How I negotiate for “a raise” near the end of the year

How I spend my days as a freelance writer

How I streamline communication with my clients during large strategy projects

How I draft a contract that covers all bases and safeguards my business

Every action you take in your freelance writing business is raw material for these “How I” posts. So, help and nourish your community by showing the behind-the-scenes of your business.

“How I” content is getting increasingly popular on LinkedIn as a way to create approachable posts that build trust and authority with prospects and peers. Write and schedule your next batch of LinkedIn posts with this style.