B2B Writers International

Conquer the Top 10 Challenges of Building a Copywriting Business

5 minute read

Have you ever felt like maybe going back to a 9-to-5 job might be easier than running your own business? We’ve all been there. But I want to encourage you to hang in there and keep reading because I’ve got some advice.

As part of the B2B Writers International Book Club, we recently read What’s In It for Them? by Joe Polish. One story, in particular, struck a chord.

While Joe is now a successful marketer, it wasn’t always that way.

At one time, he owned a struggling carpet cleaning business. A seasoned real estate investor told him, “If others in your line of business are succeeding, then it’s not the business that’s flawed, but the approach of the individual running it.”

While such a blunt statement might feel like a smack in the face to most, Joe wasn’t offended. He decided the man was right. If other people could run a successful carpet cleaning business, there was no reason why he couldn’t do it, too.

It’s the same with copywriting. Countless copywriters have faced the same hurdles you might encounter and have found their path to success.

What’s their secret? Perspective. Instead of viewing challenges as insurmountable obstacles, they see them as opportunities for growth.

I’ve identified the 10 most common obstacles copywriters face as they begin their careers.

For each obstacle, I’ll explain how you can shift your perspective. Then, provide you with practical tips that’ll help you leap over these hurdles.

Let’s navigate these challenges together.

10 Most Common Obstacles You’ll Face When Building a Copywriting Business

1. Limited Budget

At the beginning of your copywriting journey, struggling with financial constraints is not uncommon. Premium courses, advanced tools, and specific software often have hefty price tags.

Shift your perspective

You might not have the financial resources for premium courses and tools. But there are countless free resources, webinars, and forums available that can help you hone your skills.

Overcoming a limited budget

AWAI and B2B Writers International offer a wide range of free and low-cost resources to help you start your copywriting career.

Don’t underestimate the power of your local library. They often have books on copywriting and marketing.

Use the free version of Grammarly for grammar checks and the Hemingway App for editing your style and readability.

2. Lack of Experience

Getting initial trust from potential clients can be a challenge without a portfolio or client testimonials. How do you gain their confidence without a track record?

Shift your perspective

Starting without a portfolio might seem like a setback, but everyone begins somewhere.

Overcoming a lack of experience

Create sample projects for fictitious brands to showcase your skills.

Offer your services to nonprofits or small local businesses to build a portfolio.

Watch for writing contests and practice assignment opportunities that might be included with any training you take. You’ll create pieces that can be used in your portfolio until you build up more samples.

After every project, ask for feedback or a testimonial to feature in your growing portfolio.

3. Time Constraints

Starting a copywriting business while balancing a day job, family life, or other significant responsibilities might seem like trying to light a candle in a storm.

Shift your perspective

It’s easy to feel stretched thin, but consistency is key. Dedicating a few hours a week can lead to significant progress over time.

Overcoming time constraints

Try the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking to maximize your available hours.

Create a distraction-free workspace to maximize productivity in the time you have.

Try task batching. Group similar tasks together to tackle them efficiently.

4. Overwhelming Competition

The digital age and the rise of AI have brought a flood of freelancers and agencies, making the marketplace feel saturated and competitive.

Shift your perspective

The digital marketplace might seem saturated, but each copywriter brings a unique voice and perspective. Finding and leveraging your unique angle or specialty can set you apart.

Overcoming the competition

Build a personal brand with a unique voice and online presence that resonates with your target audience.

Deepen your roots and engage in online communities and local events. Personal connections with other people can open all kinds of doors.

Stay updated on the latest industry trends so you stand out from the competitors who don’t.

5. Impostor Syndrome

Many budding copywriters deal with self-doubt, wondering if they’re good enough or belong in the professional world of copywriting.

Shift your perspective

Self-doubt is a common challenge and never really goes away. But remember that every expert was once a beginner.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Make it a practice to solicit feedback. Constructive critiques help you find areas of improvement.

Use positive affirmations to combat negative self-talk.

Connect with a mentor in the field to guide you.

6. Keeping Up with Trends

With marketing techniques, SEO best practices, and platform algorithms always in flux, there’s the challenge of keeping up and staying ahead.

Shift your perspective

The digital landscape constantly evolves, but subscribing to industry newsletters, joining copywriting communities, and regularly updating your skills can help you stay ahead.

Overcoming the need to keep up

Dedicate time to read industry-leading newsletters and blogs.

Tune into free webinars or workshops. They’re a gold mine for real-time, actionable insights.

Join AWAI Facebook groups to discuss the latest news and findings in the industry.

7. Building a Network

For freelancers, having a solid network can be the difference between a steady stream of projects and prolonged dry spells. But building this network from scratch is no small task.

Shift your perspective

Starting with a limited network can be daunting, but platforms like LinkedIn, local workshops, or even virtual networking events can help you connect with potential clients and fellow copywriters.

Overcoming a lack of networks

Dive into professional communities on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, sharing insights and engaging in meaningful discussions.

Seek out, attend, or spearhead local workshops or meetups to build face-to-face connections.

Ask satisfied clients to refer you to others. Their personal endorsement can open doors to new opportunities.

8. Niche Selection

Determining your niche can take time and effort. The most common concern is that you’ll be limiting yourself or choosing a field that may not be profitable.

Shift your perspective

Choosing a niche might seem restrictive, but specializing can position you as an expert in a particular field, often leading to higher rates and a more targeted client base.

Overcoming the niche selection conundrum

Identify which niches are booming and in demand.

Consider niches you’re personally passionate about.

Try writing for different niches. You’ll get a clearer picture of your strengths and inclinations.

9. Fear of Rejection

Facing rejection from potential clients, receiving negative feedback, or having pitches ignored can be disheartening.

Shift your perspective

Rejection and criticism are part of the freelancing journey, but each “no” can be a learning experience. Collect feedback, refine your approach, and remember that every successful writer has faced rejection.

Overcoming rejection

Try reframing rejection as an opportunity for learning and growth.

Adopt mindfulness or meditation practices to build emotional resilience to maintain a balanced perspective.

Surround yourself with a supportive community, such as copywriting groups, where shared experiences offer solace and insights.

10. Technical Challenges

While not directly related to writing, many copywriters need to familiarize themselves with various tools, platforms, and software, which can be an additional learning curve.

Shift your perspective

Today’s digital tools are designed with user-friendliness in mind. Many offer comprehensive tutorials, free trials, and customer support.

Overcoming tech challenges

Turn to platforms like YouTube or Udemy, which host tutorials for virtually any tool.

Seek guidance on platform-specific forums or from the tool’s customer support.

Spend hands-on time with new tools to learn how they work. Firsthand experience is often the best teacher.

Final Thoughts

Every copywriter’s journey is unique, filled with its own set of victories and learning moments. We’d love to hear from you! Share your personal success stories in the comments below or let us know about the hurdles you’re currently navigating.