B2B Writers International

Boost Your Traffic with These 5 Types of Blog Posts

5 minute read

You’ve probably written and read a ton of blog posts. But do you know which ones bring in the most traffic? When you’re blogging for your copywriting business, you don’t need 10,000 readers or followers to be successful, by the way. You just need targeted readers who are eager to come to your blog regularly.

These fans will most likely become paying clients for your business!

Create client demand by ensuring you really understand your target audience and their pain points. That means giving them non-generic and epic content told in your voice. The kind of content that can only come from you.

How do you package this content as blog posts that your audience clicks on and reads? Which type of blog posts reel them in?

Here are five types of blog posts proven to bring in the most organic traffic for B2B businesses…

1. Keyword-Driven Posts

There’s no getting around the importance of SEO. In B2C marketing, a business is seeking a broad demographic like new moms or people who love surfing, so they choose keywords thousands search for.

In B2B marketing, however, because you’re targeting only decision makers and CEOs for specific or niche businesses, you only need people conducting maybe 10 to 25 searches per month.

So, you want to use fewer and more targeted keywords and long tail phrases. For example, if you’re a web designer living in Indiana, instead of using highly competitive and general keywords like “website design,” go with a long tail phrase that will attract fewer but more targeted business owners like “website design for small businesses in Bloomington, Indiana.”

2. Lists

List posts, listicles, checklists, and comprehensive guides are super valuable to clients. They’re also the most shared blog posts on social media sites.

Because many B2B copywriters already use the list post format, you might distinguish content on your blog by offering a much bigger blog post list. Let me give you an example.

Instead of writing up “7 Tips on Hiring a Great Copywriter,” do more research and offer your readers “25 Tips on Hiring a Great Copywriter.”

Copywriters often focus on offering helpful advice or things to look for. That’s good. But don’t forget to consider turning these blog posts on their head. It’s also okay to talk about things people don’t want or false beliefs people may have.

To that end, I suggest you create compelling list posts like “15 Ways to Spot Terrible B2B Content” or “23 Myths about Good B2B Copywriting.”

Ever since David Letterman’s late night talk show, lists that begin with the “Top Ten” or that rank items in importance also do well.

Comprehensive guides that seem more like 25 short blog articles merged into one often go viral. They’re detailed, thorough, and filled with great information. In our time-challenged environment, readers really like these comprehensive blogs. They give people like your potential clients what they’re looking for in one handy place.

You benefit by becoming an authority after you write a comprehensive guide, which is another plus. An example of this type of blog post would be “99 Ways to Increase E-commerce Conversion Rates.” 

If you noticed all of my suggested titles above have odd numbers in them, that’s because according to SEMRush, odd numbers in posts get more clicks. The Content Marketing Institute delved further and found that headlines with odd numbers garnered 20% more clicks than those with even digits. So use those odd numbers!

3. How-To Posts

A popular type of blog post and perennial favorite is the how-to. Brian Clark, one of the experts behind some of AWAI’s copywriting programs and founder of Copyblogger, has said that how-to articles are some of the most linked to and bookmarked content online.

You can easily understand why. This type of blog post isn’t hard for the creator to put together. It therefore won’t take much of your time. Yet, customers get so much value from the simplicity of a how-to blog piece and feel guided in a step-by-step way.

4. Case Studies

Case studies can be formatted into trusted and powerful blog posts. Potential clients can see themselves in another company’s success story. They can identify similar challenges the company you already worked with faced. And they learn what scenarios you used and how you helped another company overcome their obstacles.

Because they’re true, real-life examples filled with specific ways you helped another company, using case studies in your blog posts can create a powerful endorsement of your talents as a B2B solution provider.

5. Thought Leadership

Our prospective clients, like us, are dealing with too much. Establishing thought leadership is a way they can quickly weed out the less competent and focus on us copywriters who have proven skills and are trustworthy.

By blogging on important topics, informing, and educating, you can build your name as a thought leader. Thought leaders are the go-to people in their fields who have the kind of knowledge and success that your prospective client seeks.

If you’re just starting out as a blogger, copywriter, or content marketer with no experience, you can still become a thought leader.

Let’s say you’ve been in the car business for 30 years and now are working as a copywriter for car companies… Most clients would feel comfortable trusting you. You’re not only a skilled copywriter, but what an added superpower you have.

You’re a content matter expert about the car business. That means you speak your prospective client’s language and know the ins and outs by working such a long time in the field.

The Bottom Line

 In 2022, Google announced in a content update that they prioritize original and useful content. They mean content designed for people, not for search engines. To put this simply, when you write content for these five types of blog posts, write it in your voice to boost your SEO. Do that by including real-life situations, examples, and specifics from your business and your research which make your content original. Thus, your posts will become not only highly informative, but they’ll likely be prioritized by search engines.

Two Bonus Tips

To make your article most appealing to your blog readers, don’t forget two things.

1. Write about major challenges your readers have.

You want to address those pain points you know your prospective client is having. Is their software company struggling with customer acquisition? Or do they need to focus more on customer retention because maybe with the popularity of AI, their customers no longer see the value of paying for software anymore?

Here’s another example of really considering your prospective client’s challenges and meeting them where they are. Does a client in the HVAC business need a good way to talk about rate increases? Or do you think they’d best offer fewer services for the same priced package?

Share the research you conducted which showed consumers are too price-sensitive to be hit with an increase during times of inflation and you’ll create a blog post with tremendous value to those in the HVAC business. The reader will think this writer truly knows their stuff!

2. Be sure to use facts, data, and persuasive visuals.

Enrich your article with lots of proven research. People, especially B2B decision makers, love infographics, facts, statistics, and evidence. You’re proving your claims this way.

And don’t forget to include helpful photos and illustrations to simplify what you’re explaining. We all want to be shown how to do things with screen captures, pictures, and video clips.


Use these five popular types of blog posts to capture eyeballs. You’ll increase your search traffic, brand engagement, and ultimately brand loyalty. Hopefully, that will translate into conversions… big, lucrative contracts for your writing business and more money in the bank.

Just remember to blog consistently and set up a schedule so the posts get done even if you are taking your child to visit colleges or going on a much-needed vacation.