B2B Writers International

Capturing Attention: Can You Pass The Grunt Test?

5 minute read

In today’s information-packed world, you only have a few seconds for your marketing materials to make an impression.

One of the best ways to do this is by answering three key questions. Author Donald Miller calls it “The Grunt Test.” Questions like, “Could a caveman look at your website and immediately grunt what you offer?” If so, you’ve effectively communicated the value of your product or service.

What are those questions that make up The Grunt Test? Keep reading.

The Grunt Test

As part of the B2B Writer’s International Book Club, we recently read Donald Miller’s book, Building a StoryBrand: Use the 7 Elements of Great Storytelling to Grow Your Business.

One of the critical points Miller makes in StoryBrand is that copywriters and marketers have just a few seconds to capture the reader’s attention. There are three questions the reader wants to be answered right away:

  • What do you offer?
  • How will it make my life better?
  • What do I need to do to buy it?

If you’ve sufficiently communicated your offer, a caveman should be able to answer those three questions with a series of grunts.

You copywriter. You increase sales. Book call with you.

Question 1: What Do You Offer?

People have short attention spans, and there is a lot of competition for their limited attention. You need to explicitly declare your offer right from the start.

When someone lands on your website or reads your marketing material, they want to know immediately what you’re selling. They don’t have time to puzzle it out or read through paragraphs of text. If you don’t effectively communicate — quickly — you risk losing their attention and their business.

Your website needs a clear and concise headline that tells the reader precisely what you offer. Ideally, this should appear above the fold on your website. Here’s how AWAI does it:

Grunt Test AWAI Home Page Example

Headline: “We Teach You How to Make a Great Living as a Writer.”

This is followed by bullet points that read:

  • Get the most in-demand writing skills
  • Land high-paying writing assignments
  • Achieve your financial goals

The headline tells visitors that AWAI will teach them how to be writers that make good money. The AWAI student will learn writing skills, land good jobs, and reach their financial goals.

The Grunt Test: Learn writing skills. Make money. Achieve goals.

I think AWAI passes the test. Wouldn’t you agree?

​​Consider using images or videos showcasing your product or service to further clarify your offer. Imagery helps visitors visualize how your product or service works and how they’ll benefit from it.

A website that clearly and succinctly tells the reader about your product or service is crucial for capturing their attention and engaging them with your brand. By answering the first question in The Grunt Test, you’re setting yourself up to convert visitors into customers.

Question 2: How Will It Make My Life Better?

As a copywriter, you know it’s not enough to tell your reader what you offer. You must also communicate how your product or service will improve their lives. This is the second question in The Grunt Test: How will it make my life better?

To answer this question effectively, you must understand your target audience and what motivates them. What are their pain points? What emotions do they want to feel? By targeting these emotions and pain points, you can demonstrate how your product or service will make a difference in their lives.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a weight loss program. Instead of saying, “Lose weight with our program,” you could say, “Transform your body and regain confidence with our proven weight loss program.” By using language that targets the emotion of confidence and the pain point of feeling unhappy with one’s body, you’re showing the reader how your program will improve their life.

Another example is a cleaning service. Instead of saying, “We clean homes,” say, “Relax and enjoy a spotless home without lifting a finger.” It paints an image of relaxing in a clean home while avoiding the pain of being overwhelmed by household chores. Yes, life is definitely sounding better with a cleaning service.

It’s not enough to list features or services — you need to show the reader how those features or services will improve their life in some way. Will it save them time? Money? Improve their health? Make their daily routine easier?

By communicating the benefits of your product or service, you give the reader a reason to care. Show them how your brand can positively impact their life. That’s what will motivate them to take action and buy from you.

Question 3: What Do I Need to Do to Buy It?

The ultimate goal of your writing is to get the reader to take action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or scheduling a consultation, you need to make it clear what the reader needs to do to buy your product or service. This is the third question in The Grunt Test: What do I need to do to buy it?

Many writers overlook this crucial step because they fear being too pushy. They think the reader will take action if they simply provide enough information about their product or service. The truth is readers need to be told what to do. Without a clear call-to-action, readers may leave your website without making a purchase or contacting you for more information.

To create a compelling call-to-action, you need to be specific about what action you want the reader to take. Do you want them to make a purchase? Schedule a consultation? Sign up for a newsletter? Whatever it is, make sure your call-to-action clearly communicates what the reader needs to do.

Let’s go back to the AWAI example.

Grunt Test AWAI Method CTA example

In this call-to-action for The AWAI Method™, a prominent orange button clearly states, “Get all the details here.” Readers know what to do if they want to find out more about becoming a copywriter.

In addition to being specific, your call-to-action should also be prominent on your website. It should be placed in multiple locations throughout your site. You really can’t overdo it. No matter where the reader is on your site, they’ll always know how to take action.

Finally, don’t be afraid to use strong language in your call-to-action. Instead of saying “Learn More,” try something like “Get Started Today” or “Buy Now.” You can also weave in a benefit, like “Buy Now to Get the Discounted Price.“ By using direct and action-oriented language, you’re encouraging the reader to respond.

Including a clear and obvious call-to-action is essential for converting visitors into customers. Doing so will increase your chances of converting visitors into loyal customers.

Final Thoughts on Passing The Grunt Test

Passing The Grunt Test is crucial for capturing the reader’s attention and converting them into loyal customers.

But it’s not just applicable to client work — it’s also important for our copywriter websites. Take a look at your website and see if you pass The Grunt Test. Will prospective clients know what you offer, how it helps them, and what they need to do to work with you? Be sure you’re answering these three key questions to persuade your prospective clients.