B2B Writers International

Market Using KLT and Have a Full Pipeline

3 minute read

I was at an event for AWAI in May, and one of the attendees walked up to me and told me, “You don’t know me, but I get your e-letters every week, and I save them.”

He went on to say how much he appreciates the advice and recommended actions I share with members every week in my B2B Writing Success newsletter.

Over the years, as I’ve “talked” to AWAI members through that weekly newsletter, they’ve gotten to know, like, and trust me.

I’m in front of them every week, reminding them I’m here and building trust through sharing stories, helping provide solutions to pain points, and connecting with them as a “real” person.

AWAI members are not my target market for my copywriting or coaching businesses, but if they were, I’d have created a pretty solid marketing engine with these weekly newsletters.

As you set your marketing plan for the next quarter, think about the elements in your plan, what you’re doing to bring yourself to the attention of clients, and make sure you’ve got KLT (Know-Like-Trust) factors embedded in them. It will make bringing on clients easier and it will increase the rates you can charge.

Want a full pipeline and professional rates? Market using KLT.

So, how do you do that?

Market Using KLT to… Help Them Know You

When you work mostly from the comfort of your home and you don’t ever meet your clients in person, this can seem like a challenging task.

It isn’t.

There are several key elements you can leverage to establish the “know” in KLT.

Your network — if you’re not looking for clients by using your network… and continuously building your network… you’re missing out on a huge “know” advantage.

When someone can hire you because they do know you, or because someone they know refers you, you’ve already won this key element.

Your About page — this is your opportunity on your website to help visitors get to know you… but be careful with this. Although this page is “about you” on a surface level, it’s really about what you can do for your clients. Write it so they can see what it is about you that makes you the right choice to help them solve their problems.

Your communications — just like I mentioned how AWAI members got to know me through the e-newsletter I write each week, you can help your prospects get to know you through the continuous communications you write and publish for their benefit… newsletters, blogs on your site, articles on Medium, posts on LinkedIn or other social media, emails to your list… however you “talk” to your prospects, you need to do it consistently, so you stay top-of-mind when they’re looking for a writer.

…Show Them Why They Like You

Talking to your audience to help build KLT works much more effectively when you incorporate two key elements.

Authenticity — people can tell when you write as a different “person” than you really are or when you pretend you’ve never done anything wrong. Being authentic might mean being occasionally vulnerable. It might mean showing your scars and your mistakes. It also means letting them know when you’re celebrating wins and finding success. They are able to learn from you, connect with you, and like you as a real person, because they get to see different sides of you.

Consistent Voice — Sometimes someone’s writing voice isn’t necessarily “nice,” like Ben Settle’s. But Ben’s voice is a strong voice; it’s consistent; and it’s authentic. Because of that, he has loads of people who like him and trust him because they feel like they know him and can count on him to deliver valuable advice. It works for his audience very well.

But if you’re a sweet, soft kind of person, trying to write in an edgy tone like Ben would be a big mistake. Your voice should reflect both your own values and your personality and should convey to your audience what kind of person you’d be to work with.

… and Give Them Reasons to Trust You

The best way to ensure you build trust in your audience is to deliver valuable content and offer value to your prospects through the services you provide and the way you communicate in an authentic and sincere voice, consistently.

Even if you have never met a prospect, if they can see all these elements in the content and writing on your website, your LinkedIn profile, your Instagram and Twitter accounts… they will get a sense of your ability to deliver for them. And they will be more likely to hire you.

There’s no question that the better you market using KLT, the more clients will be interested in working with you… and that means a full pipeline and higher rates.