B2B Writers International

B2B Power Words: The Next Step

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B2B Power Words: The Next StepAnd now for… B2B Power Words, Part 2

In my last article, I wrote about a test I ran on the use of B2B power words. Based on the results, I’ve now moved into phase two.

I posted again in the same groups I used in my previous test, and saw positive results immediately. The results have been consistent over time, so now I’m turning my attention to making my marketing run smoothly and maximizing my return.
In this article, I’ll give you a front row seat to my marketing process and let you in on what I’ve learned.

What I Did

In my follow-up test, I split-tested two slightly different B2B power word headlines. In the second round, I used only a slight variation between the two headlines. I watched the first round of results come in, and then the second, and then the third… and the numbers continued to climb.

In this follow-up test, I did not measure percentages, for two reasons:

1. I kind of goofed up the set-up of my tracking spreadsheet, and by the time I had gotten ready and organized, it was already into round two of results.
2. I was interested in watching actual response numbers in order to spot any spikes or other unusual activity.

To my surprise and pleasure, I was able to see exactly what was happening in my test.
Then, I turned my attention to planning out the essential next steps, in order to maximize the benefits from my efforts.

Why is this important? I’ll explain…

What I Am Doing Now

I am culling out readers of my articles from the groups. My goal is to connect with them more personally, as solid leads, and convert them into new clients. They are showing interest by regularly reading my posted tips and mini-articles so approaching them directly is a reasonable next step.

When choosing the readers to contact, I’m considering their geographical location, business, and professional status. It’s easy in the group where 100% of them read my article. The other groups require some detective work.

So let’s get to the fun stuff. Planning out my next steps…

To do this, I have started round one of outreach via email, and already have a new lead that I am in contact with now. Another one of my leads appeared to be a good prospect, so I quickly reached out by email to him as well.

In effect, I’m building my in-house list of targeted prospects and leads that I can bring into my marketing funnel. Once they are in my funnel, my plan is to determine which of them would have the most value as clients and move them to a separate list.

The Importance of Consistency

A key point in keeping this process moving is consistency. It’s important to maintain steady and regular posting of my tips and mini-articles, in order to build trust and stay top-of-mind as a valuable resource with my readers.

I’ve already begun connecting with the leads via email; the next step I plan to take is to reach out to my readers with direct mail. I’ve considered both a letter and a postcard, and have decided a post card is best because:

  1. In a past post card direct-mail test, I had a 28.6% response rate, with a 15% opt-in rate on my offer at that time. So I know that I am likely to do well with a post card mailing.
  2. Post cards are a good way to go for first direct mail contact, as they get through the gatekeepers easily and the message is seen right away.
  3. In watching results from the email outreach, I now know that my name is familiar to them, through both posts and email, so they are likely to read a post card from me.

Take the First Step
For new B2B copywriters, all of this might be a bit overwhelming. Let me assure you that you can do all of this, too. And you can take the first step by building your own in-house list.

You can start by searching out companies within your niche via the Internet, or go to a list broker and get a list of highly targeted B2B prospects that you can begin contacting.

Here are two articles to help you get started:

Marketing Yourself 101
List Brokers and Why They Are Important for You

For the seasoned writers out there, consider doing your own testing to discover ways to improve response in your marketing.

Have you tried using B2B power words in your marketing? Let us know your results in the comments below!