B2B Writers International

How to Get Clients with Email Marketing

4 minute read

Man Hand writing Prospect with black marker on visual screen.Those who know me, know I am a huge fan and user of direct mail.

However, that doesn’t mean I don’t use email marketing at all. Email is a great tool for follow-ups, sending samples quickly with a note to further entice the prospect, and more. You can really win and take it to the next level by reaching out and building relationships with prospects, and converting them to leads, which grows your in-house list and becomes even more valuable as you convert them into paying clients.

So let’s look at how to do this, and get you on the fast track to a lucrative and enjoyable B2B copywriting career.

Step One: The Basic Foundation
First, you need to have a list of prospects. Depending on your budget, you can buy a list from a list broker and start there, or you can search the Internet and other resources such as business magazines.

Next, you should research the initial round of prospects you want to target. As you do your research, take note of all words, phrases, and such that jump out at you from their materials and website. Then you should go over your notes and begin to solidify your ideas.

Step Two: Putting It Together
Take your notes and ideas and sketch out a rough draft of an email. You can do this online in a place like Google Docs, in a Word document on your computer, or offline in a notebook — my method of choice. If inspiration hits when you happen to be away from your work area, you can even do it in crayon on the back of a napkin. The point is to do it. Then put it aside until later. The next day, or even two days later, go back with your red pen, editor cap, and cape.

A good approach is to say “how/why” you found them, and “why” you are reaching out. It takes a bit of the edge off of the cold contact and helps to warm them up by letting them know you have a genuine interest in them.

Next, you can introduce yourself and talk about the types of projects you handle.

Close with a call-to-action, such as an offer to send some samples. This will get the ball rolling and immediately launch you into a conversation after they respond, which is important as it will begin to build the business relationship you want to have.

Now, let’s imagine you found a prospect while searching online and they happen to be in the niche of time-saving software. A perfect match … it’s your niche, so it’s now time to go back and follow the above steps in crafting your email.

When you have completed the process, your email should look something like this:

Hello (Name),

I was doing an Internet search on the latest news for time-saving software and your website came up. After looking at your website, I wanted to contact you.

Marketing and PR efforts can be a time-consuming task. It can quickly become a challenge when your marketing staff is already juggling meetings and other demanding tasks.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Not when you outsource your marcom overflow to a reliable B2B marketing communications copywriter.

Just like you say on your website … Be smart. Simplify.

Be smart and simplify the workload you and your team manage.

Who am I?

(Your self-introduction here)

I handle:

(The types of projects you handle here)

Contact me: (Your work email here)

We can easily set up a time to chat by phone.

And I can send along some samples of my work at your request.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


(Your name and details here)

Fill in the blanks with your specific information, send the email, and get going on your next one. On that note …

Step Three: Rock and Roll Time
After you feel you have something solid, and by that I mean something you feel comfortable testing out, then hop to it and start sending out those emails. Remember each email should “speak” to the prospect personally, so edit and fine-tune each message accordingly; keep it based on your research and notes. No cookie-cutter nonsense.

Next, don’t make the mistake of having your email written and sent, and erroneously thinking you are done. You should have an idea in note form of your follow-up.

I suggest that you keep it in note form, because their reply might cause you to make some slight changes before typing it up and sending. Also, it doesn’t have to be long, but it should cover key points and have some sort of offer, such as a call, or sending samples (if you didn’t already cover this in your initial email, but if they need the reminder, then jump on it).

Once they confirm and samples are sent, now they are officially a lead. It’s up to you to keep in touch at least once a month and make the effort to convert them into a paying client. When that happens, you are in the zone … Rock and Roll Time.

Ride the Wave …
As I said before, you will have to test and refine. Once you find your “winner” message that gets them to reply and ask for more, then you are good to go. Use that “winner” message as your base, but don’t go cookie-cutter style, use your notes and research to craft personal messages that speak directly to each prospect specifically. Turn it into a regular process as part of your “marketing time.”

And never stop marketing! You can cut back when needed, but don’t stop. Every time I have gotten soft and stopped marketing, I have suffered for doing so. Learn from my mistakes, and follow what works, as it has been outlined for you in this article.

You can edit and adapt as needed, or even just to test out an idea, and ride the wave of your B2B copywriting success.