B2B Writers International

3 Ways to be THE SOURCE for B2B Content Marketing

4 minute read

3 Ways to be the source for B2B Content MarketingIf there ever was a time to be excited about your B2B copywriting career, THIS IS IT.

In a new survey report just released on September 9, 2014 by MarketingProfs, it was noted that “nearly two-thirds (63%) of B2B marketers plan to allocate a greater portion of their marketing budgets to content marketing over the next 12 months,” and “almost a quarter (23%) of the B2B marketers surveyed plan to more than double their spending on content marketing in the year ahead.”

Wow. Double their spending in the year ahead!

And who will be writing all the content for these efforts?

That’s where the report gets even better.

According to the survey, 68% of respondents reported “outsourcing some of their content over the previous 12 months” and it’s expected that this trend will continue and possibly even rise.

So now let’s ask … what are all those B2B marketers outsourcing? And to whom?

Well, first let’s look at the “what.” The report listed the top B2B content types as these:

  • Case studies/client success stories
  • White papers
  • Webinars/videos
  • E-books

Okay, very good. But when you think about it, companies also need emails, landing pages, blog posts, articles, and other web content to support those content types. I get asked to write all of these content types for my B2B clients.

And when it comes to outsourcing, you can bet that manufacturers, software companies, utilities, and other B2B companies are eagerly searching for skilled, professional copywriters who understand how to write these materials.

This all adds up to a B2B OUTSOURCING BOOM for skilled freelance copywriters!

Yes, the timing is perfect for you. There could be a dozen B2B marketers looking for you right now!

To make the most of this exciting trend, and kick off a whole new momentum for your business, I encourage you to tap into the B2BWritingSuccess.com resources. Here’s how they’ll give you three ways to be THE SOURCE when B2B marketers start hunting for help.

1. Let’s start with your confidence.

Are you ready to say to B2B clients, “Bring it on!”?

Looking at the top content list again, do you have the experience or tools to write case studies, white papers, emails, and so on?

If so, congratulations!

If not, use the B2BWritingSuccess.com references and guides to quickly get up to speed, including excellent how-to articles such as:

That’s just for starters. You can also tap into webinar archives, videos, and other exclusive member tools that will help you prepare to say, “Sure! I can do that for you” when asked by a client.

2. Now let’s identify your target client.

Who’s the B2B marketer you’re looking to attract?

This is where the idea of a niche industry comes in. It’s important to market yourself in a specific industry or field because there are many skilled B2B copywriters out there. The best way to stand out and get hired is to be not just a great writer, but also someone who KNOWS THE CLIENT’S MARKET.

What I mean by “niche” is this. Which industry do you want to own as a B2B copywriter?

Recently a new client said to me, “I’m so glad I found you! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a writer with experience in the [fill in the blank] industry? Nearly impossible!”

I have to say, I was shocked. I thought there were many of us with a background in that field. (Maybe there are, but the others aren’t mentioning it on their websites.)

Anyway, this tells me that even in this cluttered World Wide Web, you can own a niche by being the go-to freelance B2B writer in a strong field. Go for it! You might be the only one, or one of just a few who are positioning themselves in that industry.

If you’re not sure how to choose a niche or set yourself apart with a niche focus, start with these B2BWritingSuccess.com resources:

There are many other resources on the site also. To find more help, simply search for “niche” on B2BWritingSuccess.com. More content is being added all the time!

3. Finally, consider how B2B marketers will find you among the vast sea of freelancers.

Is your website currently a standout B2B client-magnet? Are you familiar with the many ways you can easily attract new business?

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the B2B world for a while, you’ll want to check out these resources to develop powerful marketing tools that bring in a steady stream of potential new clients.

  • Take a look at the fantastic webinar replay that walks you through the essential steps to B2B Freelance Websites That Attract Clients. (This requires a B2BWritingSuccess.com membership, but it’s SO worth the small investment if your website generates new business!)

Other marketing resources include:

This is just a sample of the amazing and highly useful tips you’ll find for marketing yourself and enjoying more success as a B2B copywriter.

If more and more B2B marketers are outsourcing their content writing, these tools will help ensure that you’re the source they choose.

You’ve got everything you need right here to make the most of this fantastic time for freelance B2B writers. Join the boom now.