B2B Writers International

Meet 7 B2B Copywriters Who Have Achieved Success

< 1 minute read

name badge opportunityWhy should you become a B2B copywriter?

There are many reasons copywriters choose what’s been termed the “surest route” to a six-figure income.

1. The income! With over $55 billion being spent by B2B companies on marketing every year, there is a plentiful supply of clients who are willing and able to pay professional-level fees to freelance copywriters.

2. There is a steady demand for no-hype content that educates buyers about the company’s product or service. Case studies, white papers and online video are critical components of their sales process.

3. It provides an opportunity for copywriters who have worked in a corporate environment to use their knowledge immediately in their freelance career. Because they already know the lingo and understand the market, they have a huge advantage over their competition.

4. B2B companies are highly loyal to good freelance copywriters. If you’re good to work with they will continue to hire you over and over again.

Let’s meet 7 AWAI members who made the leap to B2B copywriting…