B2B Writers International

Clues Say B2B Copywriting is a GREAT Opportunity

2 minute read

So you’ve decided you’re interested in B2B Copywriting but aren’t sure there’s enough opportunity there for you?  Is it really possible to make a good living only writing copy for B2B companies?

Pam Foster is a successful B2B copywriter who specializes in the pet industry niche.  She’s done some sleuthing and uncovered some intriguing facts that will answer your questions.

And it turns out she’s a bit hooked on using her skills as an investigator and regularly uses them in her copywriting business!

Let’s follow Pam as she uncovers the mystery…


How much fun would it be to be richly rewarded for copywriting work that combines Sherlock Holmes with amazing new technologies that help companies succeed?

That’s what I get to do every day as a B2B (Business-to-Business) copywriter. It’s a fun, lucrative writing opportunity that’s part detective, part wordsmith, and all business.

In other words, I write about businesses that provide highly-valuable solutions to other businesses. And, it’s a blast.

For example, in the past few months, I’ve written copy promoting:

  • a pioneering new line of pet laser surgical equipment …
  • business recycling solutions and commercial dumpster programs … and
  • an autopilot customer loyalty rewards program for small local businesses

With every one of these projects, I didn’t know anything about them until I was hired to write copy for their web pages, brochures, direct mail, and other marketing materials.

Therefore, I had to put on my Sherlock Holmes’ detective hat and dig for clues about what makes these products irresistible to the business audiences who need them. I had to help each of my clients articulate to their prospects:

  • How exactly the new pet surgical equipment will benefit veterinarians and their patients (it dramatically reduces pain, potential complications, and recovery time).
  • The top reasons why companies should choose my client’s recycling services (because they get a personal advisor who helps streamline their recycling efforts and costs).
  • How small-business owners can create a powerful customer loyalty program in just seconds (bringing customers back for repeat purchases each month with minimal work).

This is the fascinating work you get to do as a B2B copywriter. You get to find the nuggets that help set your clients apart in astounding ways, so they attract more business.

And, the pay is excellent. Seriously, nobody blinks when I charge $500-$1,200 or even more for web copy (that’s per page!). Or $2,500 for a simple sales-letter mailing. Or $1,750 for a series of emails.

Here’s why.

Getting new business is BIG business to these companies, and they’re willing to reward anyone who can generate more leads or sales. B2B clients usually have nice marketing budgets and a mission to grow their sales each month. They need great copy to do just that, and they know it. This makes them a wonderful category of clients to pursue.

So, whether you’re interested in becoming a web copywriter, a direct-mail copywriter, or something else — focusing on the B2B world is an elementary move, my dear Watson!